The report also says that although people feel the need to update themselves , they are not always willing to participate in the courses offered by companies. This happens because the habit of easy-to-use tools and the use of digital channels through which to quickly find information has changed our cognitive system and, consequently, our way of learning .
New call to action It is therefore necessary for the organization to rethink training as an innovative and valuable tool , it must move from a training catalogue, which by its nature is static, to mobile number list structured, dynamic, flexible and modular offer based on the different moments of life of the person and of the company. To achieve all this, a structure must be created that is in synergy between the various business areas and constantly explores their needs, to then decline them into diversified activities that respond to the different cognitive styles and learning needs: the corporate academy .
For this reason it is important that training embraces the omnichannel logic more and more , becoming a learning experience that passes through well-calibrated tools, methodologies and moments in perfect synergy with each other. edutainment-new-learning-experience This way of doing training requires first of all that we start from the "why" Training is a means of responding to the deepest need of the organization, so much so that the first element to be explored in order to build a corporate academy is precisely the mission that the organization has defined.