Those in the upper 5% bracket that are making the really huge income $200,000 or more know the 'grass is not greener on the other side' and they stay where they are. This is what we call unmovable. Find a stable company at least five years or more in business and work with your upline support team. Build - Build - Build! Don't Quit! The Money will come over-time!
3. Most People Just Do Not Want To Pay the Price email list - There is a price that must be paid in any business and Multi-Level Marketing is no different. Listen the price we are talking about is not the cost of products/services. Heck, we are all buying products and services everyday. We buy phone service, electrical services, groceries, vitamins, personal care, and the list goes on.
The price we are talking about is less TV, mailing letters, picking up the phone, building relationships, and just the FEAR of getting out of our comfort zone. The upper 5% believe it are not had to face the fear of comfort zone syndrome as well. They overcame their fears and climbed to the upper top of 5 per centers.